How to Use

How to use Wax Melts

There are two main types of wax melt burners: tea light burners and electric burners.

Tea light burners are the most basic and simple type of burner, as they work by using the heat from a tea light candle to melt the wax. You will find you get a stronger fragrance release with tea light wax burners due to the increased heat, but you will need to make sure you have a good stock of tea light candles on hand, as if you love your wax melts, then you will go through them!

Electric burners do not rely on a tea light candle, as you just plug them in to a power socket, which means you do not need a stock of tea light candles on hand to enjoy burning. However, you do need to make sure you have spare bulbs, as once the bulb has run the course you need to change them, otherwise the wax will not melt to optimum level and the fragrance released will often be poor. Also expect the fragrance to not be as powerful when compared to melting on a tea light wax burner, just because of the heat difference.

Using a wax melt is nice and straight forward. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Remove your melt from all packaging. Pop your chosen wax melt into the dish of your burner. Most of the time, you’ll only need one but depending on the size, you may need a couple of pieces.
  2. If you’re using a tea light warmer, light a tea light and put this carefully into the designated hole below the dish. If you’re using an electric warmer, there will be a switch or button to turn it on.
  3. Once you’ve decided you are finished with your wax melt, wait until the wax is in liquid form (you may have to turn it on or light it again if it’s already hardened) then pop in a cotton ball or pad to soak up the wax. Wait a few moments and you’ll then be able to easily slide out the ball or pad and deposit it in the trash
  4. Wipe the burner dish down with a piece of paper towel or damp cloth so it’s ready for the next time you use it.

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